Sunday, October 11, 2015

"September of 2014, I retired my music entity entitled Bypass Ratio and created a new entity entitled Jonsona which I wanted to be a crisp clean & more professional version of my music.  I think I succeeded.  It was a massive struggle to upgrade my equipment and get the music out there... but I did.
Did I make any money... NOPE - Did I get a bigger following... BARELY - Am I going to stop... NO WAY! - Here is a timeline of all that Jonny has accomplished this year - 2015!

It all started with the transition. The first video by Jonsona.

Almost exactly one year ago this month of October (2014) - was Jonsona's first full promo video - before any new recording equipment.

Jonsona's first official single - non album - "Vitality"

Time to promote the first full album!
After this video, on the rest of this page, on Youtube... please watch in 720p or 1080p HD!!!

May of 2015 - "Exemplify" - Jonsona's first full studio album was released.

First official single and video from that album - "On High"

Jonsona's second single and video for "So You" - and the beginning of all the copyrighted loop bullshit!

The last video single from the first album - "Let It Go"

After not being able to sell my first record for many reasons, I felt like a failure and went into a deep depression for over a month but kicked myself in the ass eventually and said, let it go! ;) - So I did and began work on my second album.
First video for Jonsona's rebound.

Time to promote the record!

On Sept. 25th, 2015 - Jonsona's second full studio album - "Jonny Malignity" - was released to the world.

Jonny Malignity wouldn't of been finished if not for the inspiration I felt from a little girl known as Justice Spencer who sadly passed away this summer. Below album cover is the link to a special webpage I made for the single and the link to the song is on that page. This was the first official (non video) single from the second album.

"Millionaire" was the second single release and first video release from "JM"

"Again" was the third single (second and last video release) from the "JM" album

All other singles from the full albums and Instrumental Versions are on Reverbnation

Jonsona's third full studio album - "Flowerhead" - released Friday Nov 13th


And this is what I had to say about the "copyrighted loops" (that I DO HAVE the legal right to use) on my music software Mixcraft 7 

These are the album covers for the first Instrumental Versions and first releases from "Flowerhead"
Currently being mixed

"I worked my ass off this year! Not only did I keep a disease that could kill me and should of years ago, in check and renovate my family home but I will have recorded THREE full studio albums by December. I adore my 500+ fans... do I want many more? YES! - Will I ever be appreciated for my talent on a big scale and make money from my art - WHO KNOWS! - 
The most important thing is for me to never stop and continue on my musical journey. This is a journey... I hope more of you will join me on it!
Peace & XXXOOO,
Sincerely, Jonsona

If you'd like to explore all of Jonsona
Click on links below for Jonny's 2 main websites!
